Cmu ul assemblies. each product category and each group of assemblies.
Cmu ul assemblies NW 1. M. Mark K SILVER MEMBER. Examples of nonwood options for 3-hour fire walls: (a) steel stud and GWB assembly per UL U419 (UL, 2012a); (b) CMU fire wall per UL U904 (UL, 2012b). CONCRETE BLOCKS* - Various designs. ASTM E119; U938, UL listed ASTM E119 fire rated assembly; EWS0022, UL listed exterior wall system for fire, air, water, resistance* Air & Water Resistance partition is a vertical assembly of materi-als designed to restrict the spread of fire. The Guide Inform ation includes specifics concerning alternate materials and alte rnate methods of construction. Laboratory (UL) in Northbrook, IL to witness the test of UL V304 with 3 (instead of 4) layers of drywall per side. 0 7 0 obj /Length 8 0 R /Filter [ /ASCII85Decode /LZWDecode ] >> stream J. 111313 UL Design No. Gold Bond Building Products has two assemblies that have unlimited insulation - P533 for roof/ceiling assembly and L588 for floor/ceiling assembly Standard for Tests for Fire Resistance of Building Joint Systems, UL 2079. CMU Nominal Thickness1 REQUIRED FIRE RESISTANCE RATING2 8-inch 10-inch 12-inch 1. Smoke UL Listed Mark 06 UL Certified Mark 06 UL Classified Mark 06 UL-EU Mark 06 Post installation inspections 06 Standard industry practices 06 2. Fire Resistance Ratings of Concrete Masonry Assemblies, &0+$7(. Interior Partition - Steel Stud (Non-Load-Bearing) Fire Rating: 2 hours: System STC: 58 System Thickness Assembly Construction. Fire Resistance Ratings - ANSI/UL 263 See General Information for Fire Resistance Ratings - ANSI/UL 263 Design No. The search function supports keyword searches by file number, product type, category control number (CCN), fire-resistive design or assembly number, and model number. Learn more here. Joined May 12, 2010 Messages Part of the problem when using UL assemblies is that you need to comply with all aspects of the assembly. 1-hour fire-rated wall: Apply two layers of ⅝" Type X gypsum secured with a layer of setting-type joint compound between manufacturer noted for the design. UL 217. MW/LW 2. The fire-resistance rating of walls with cmu using blended aggregates is determined per 2019 CBC Section 722. Users of fire resistance assemblies are advised to consult the general Guide Information for. Need Help? Contact Us Samples Inquiries UL U314 — Interior Partitions, Wood Stud (Load-Bearing) Products Products > Pipe Insulation. Batts. Only products which bear UL's Mark are considered 6 CGC Fire-Resistant Assemblies Test Certification Test Conditions and Fire and sound tested assemblies listed in this Selector are based on characteristics, properties and performance Certification of materials and systems obtained under controlled test conditions as set forth in the appropriate ULC and ASTM Standards in effect at the time of test. Single Wythe CMU 1 2. UL Assemblies / Wall / UL U314 . While I can't find a UL Assembly for this condition, I bel Multifamily Fire-Resistance-Rated Wall Assemblies. The Guide Information includes specifics concerning alternate materials. A quick search of the New York City Building Code 2008 edition references UL 2079 and requires the joints in the wall assembly, floor, head and edges, maintain the specified hourly rating for the wall assembly. The UL Evaluation Report, an additional differentiator, provides Fire resistance assemblies and products are developed by the design submitter and have been investigated by UL for compliance with applicable requirements. Code Requirements for Determining Fire Resistance of Concrete and Masonry Construction Assemblies, ACI 216. &^_^N!';O(kOSDK8bN%!J&HY-Q%bs,AAjU BJ(86i1jG:\dDCpK1 Wall Assemblies. Classification D -2 (2 hr). each product category and each group of assemblies. thick, of not less than 2-1/4 and not more than 3-1/2 parts M. Product iQ is Often, there are supplemental requirements that must be met, such as UL618, Concrete Masonry Units, for UL listed assemblies. Joint System – Max separation between bottom of floor and top of gypsum board sheets at time of installation of joint system is 2 in. each group of assemblies. Fire-resistance rated wall assemblies are commonly evaluated using ASTM Standard E-119 (ref. UL U301 Exterior Walls, Wood Stud (Load-Bearing) Stc 56; Fire Rating 2 Hour; System Thickness 8-1/2" Stc 56; Fire Rating 2 Hour; System . Start with the “Joint System” search box. These units are stock items in both light and normal weight densities, and are available in hundreds of sizes, special shapes as E Floor-ceiling assemblies consisting of concrete with membrane protection G Cross laminated timber (CLT) floor assembly F, H - I Not used at present time J Concrete or masonry walls with minimum thickness less than or equal to 8 in K Concrete or masonry walls with a minimum thickness greater than 8 in L Framed walls UL-Classified Head of Wall Assembly Fire Ratings The Steel Network, Inc. Concrete masonry units manufactured by Gagne & Son are classified for use in fire resistant walls, in accordance with the conditions of acceptance of the standards for fire tests of The UL Certification Mark on exterior wall assemblies is relied on by code enforcement officials and buyers to provide confidence that products and systems meet regulatory and market requirements and is a key differentiator for products within the exterior wall assembly market. Revision Pages. Only products which bear UL's Mark are considered %PDF-1. 5) or UL 1479 (ref. as an alternate to hilti cp 777 speed plugs, mineral wool safing ul/cul system no. W. The heat was intense, and Find resources and details for UL rated wall systems with the required STC and fire ratings for your project. use of UL Certified products, equipment, system, devices, and materials. , Inc. UL design number, 2HR RATED WALL. 2 4 1 3 3/4” HORIZONTAL SECTION 1. The joint system is designed to accommodate a maximum 50 percent compression or extension To achieve the expected hourly fire-resistance rating, these assemblies must be constructed and maintained according to the criteria in the UL Solutions design and installation specifications. Westbrook Block is a proud producer of Underwriters Laboratories® (UL®) Approved Fire-Rated CMU, both Light Weight and Normal Weight densities, in 2-, 3- and 4-hour configurations. The published information cannot always address * Indicat es such pr oducts shall bear the UL or cUL Cer tification Mark for jur isdictions employing the UL or cUL Cer tification (such The testing has been developed into design guides and specifications to make it easy to specify a code compliant CMU and masonry veneer wall using the CavityComplete® CMU Wall System. Fire-resistance Ratings - ANSI/UL 263 See General Information for Fire-resistance Ratings - ANSI/UL 263 Design No. Tests done to date have achieved the rating without additional protection or modifications to the nonrated roof Of the three defined fire-rated assemblies, a fire wall is generally considered to provide the highest level of robustness and fire safety. com With over 200 UL fire rated assemblies, CEMCO’s CST/CST325, and FAS branded slotted tracks are the most popular choice for head-of-wall applications requiring 1 and 2 hour fire rated systems. Download the Masonry Fire-Resistance-Rated Construction Code References. created date: 3/17/2016 12:04:15 pm UL Wall Assemblies Find and download resources for STC rated wall assemblies for your construction project. Code Requirements Occupancy Separations (Table 508. Firestop Products and UL Assemblies. grace. 5. Products Products > Pipe Insulation. Mortar — Blocks laid in full bed of mortar, nom. 2012 T. Good morning Veronica, In fact, UL has designs for all of the perimeter conditions that maintain the integrity of a fire-rated assembly. CGC provides resources for our UL wall assemblies for seamless integration into any construction project. These wall assembly files are used for planning and estimation purposes What is the difference between fire resistance ratings for masonry assemblies obtained through IBC versus a listing service such as UL or FM?, CMU-FAQ-015-23. com 4. Codes and standards 07 Model codes 07 Product safety standards 07 Installation standards 07 3. Solutions for CMU Wall Systems provides details and fire-safing products if needed to design and construct fire-resistant joints as required in Section 715 of the International Building Code. com The fire-resistance rated wall assemblies published under the U, V and W series of designs on the UL Online Certifications Directory are intended for interior applications unless otherwise specified or implied in the design. This test assembly was essentially the 2hour version of the 2012 assembly, now being tested for 3 hours. Classification D-2 (2 hr). 5/2/2022 4 What is the governing code in Michigan? Michigan Building Code I am looking for a UL assembly for the top of a CMU wall intersecting with terra cotta. Help; My Cart; Lined Fire Hose and Hose Assemblies. 9 UL design can be accomplished with greater accuracy using the assembly resources provided by USG. These listings are short UL assembly - Steel beam penetrating 2 HR CMU. A: Dear FRED: Section 721 of the IBC recognizes several methods to calculate the fire resistance for * Indicates such products shall bear the UL or cUL Certification Mark for jurisdictions employing the UL or cUL Certification (such as Canada), respectively. Fire resistance assemblies and products are developed by the design submitter and have been investigated by UL for compliance with applicable requirements. 439 Spencer Plains Road Westbrook, CT 06498 t. thick, of not less than 2-1/4 and not more than 3-1/2 parts compliance with the appropriate UL design number. FIRE RATED EXTERIOR WALL, INTERIOR SEPERATION WALL AND ROOF ASSEMBLIES. USG provides resources here for our UL wall assemblies for seamless integration into any construction project. Concrete Block: Provide units complying with characteristics indicated for Grade, Type, face size and exposed face. Smoke Alarms. U901 - Bearing Wall Rating - 4 hours; non-bearing wall rating - 4 hours: 8" nominal CMU UL DESIGN No's. New Edition. Interior Partition - Steel Stud (Non-Load-Bearing) Fire Rating: 2 hours: System STC: 51 System Thickness Assembly Construction. Board. The standard is used to determine the wall’s hourly fire rating and to indicate its expected Fire-rated wall, floor and ceiling assemblies provide the necessary fire and smoke barriers to create compartmentalization during a fire, safeguarding against the spread of fire and smoke within a building or to and from a For all fire rated assemblies provide concrete masonry units conforming to Underwriters Laboratories Inc. Last edited by a moderator: May 21, 2010. 5/2/2022 2 Masonry Principles podcast •January Resilience (Jason Thompson) •February Sustainability (Tina Subasic) •As designers, do you commonly specify UL Wall Assemblies for masonry walls? What is the governing code in Michigan? 5 6. It can be constructed with a brick veneer, stone veneer, terracotta cladding and stucco. Select Products, Systems or Assemblies > Building or Fire Systems > Fire Rated Walls, Floors, Beams and Columns > Search with Specific Parameters. UL Design No. If the outer membrane of the wall assembly includes penetrations or recessed fixtures, these are required to be protected to maintain the hourly fire ABOUT US. Fire Tests of Building Construction and Materials, UL 263, www. 2. Only products which bear UL's Mark are considered Certified. Rolls. See Concrete Blocks category for list of 5. 9 mm] Sheetrock® Gypsum Panel (UL Type SCX) Sheetrock® Brand Firecode® X Gypsum Panels; Notes. Code Requirements for Determining Fire Resistance of Concrete and Masonry Construction Assemblies, ACI/TMS 216. When you do not know the assembly number (most common search). Should 6 CGC Fire-Resistant Assemblies Test Certification Test Conditions and Fire and sound tested assemblies listed in this Selector are based on characteristics, properties and performance Certification of materials and systems obtained under controlled test conditions as set forth in the appropriate ULC and ASTM Standards in effect at the time of test. Classification C-3 (3 hr). Example: I need to find a dynamic fire rated joint that occurs between the top of a U401 wall (Head‐of‐Wall) and a D905 floor‐ ceiling assembly. cmu head joint, ANSI/UL listed, Terra Cotta. The UL Evaluation Report, an additional UL U301 — Exterior Walls, Wood Stud (Load-Bearing) Products Products > Pipe Insulation. r. Units meet the minimum requirements of ASTM C90 (8" and 12" units are more widely used). 1-07/TMS-0216 07. hw-d-0080 assembly rating = 2-hr. For further information on the code approved calculated fire resistance procedure, see CMHA TEK 07-01D [5] Fire Resistance Ratings of Concrete Masonry Assemblies and CMHA TEK 07-06A [6] Steel Column Fire Protection the two assemblies. 2. )V!+fKqZ+9mdX"K4TlW!sQ*L*?Y_. ' &RQFUHWH0DVRQU\ +DUGVFDSHV Association, www For more information visit www. (51 mm). UL Product iQ® Database, is an online search engine platform that helps users find UL Listed and UL Certified products, components and materials. 1) The assembly component keynotes listed in the tested UL assembly indicate the minimum level of insulation needed. org, 2014. Standard for Fire Tests of Building Construction and Materials, UL 263. Estimate materials and find USG equivalents for your building projects. steelnetwork. Authorities Having Jurisdiction should be consulted before construction. NW/MW 2. Hilti Verified. 6). Meets the requirements of ASTM E1966, ASTM E119, and ASTM E1399 UL design V497 provides options to construct 1-hour and 2-hour fire-rated wall assemblies from one side. Tests done to date have achieved the rating without additional protection or modifications to the nonrated roof Spec™. UL Assemblies / Wall / UL U301 . Search by assembly number UL Product Spec™ also allows you to easily access designs when the design assemblies to resist the passag e of fire for a certain length of time, usually expressed in hours. 1 and ACI 216. UL FIRE RATED BEARING/NONBEARING WALL RATING - 3 HR. More; A Tradition of Innovation Westbrook Concrete Block Co. Mortar — Blocks laid in full bed of mortar, nom 3/8 in. View Resources. 9 mm] Sheetrock® Gypsum Panel (UL Type SCX) Sheetrock® Brand Firecode® X Gypsum Panels; Layer 4 - Gypsum Panel: 1 layer 5/8" [15. Find the right fire-rated assemblies and design details drawings for your architectural plans. Hi, I'm looking for a UL assembly for a 2HR fire rated steel beam (W24) penetrating a 2HR 8" CMU shaft wall. 1 of UL 263 provides general information with respect to the use of the restrained and unrestrained ratings published in the various certifications of horizontal assemblies. 5) Fire Dampers (Table 716. concrete. 860. www. UL’s certification information also includes the movement capabilities of the system in terms of intended use, magnitude and direction, and the established F and T ratings. zOnly products which bear UL's Mark are considered as Classified, Listed, or Recognized. For all fire rated assemblies provide concrete masonry units conforming to Underwriters Laboratories Inc. UL U314 Interior Partitions, Wood Stud (Load-Bearing) Stc 0; Fire Rating 1 Hour; System Thickness 4-3/4" Stc 0; Fire Rating 1 Hour; System maximum 11/16" thickness of ul classified monokote type mk-6/hy fireproofing manufactured by w. com June 2019 . manufacturer noted for the design. Members watched the test chamber with great interest as flames took their toll on the assembly. Have a Question About Assemblies? Call: 1-800-USG-4YOU Sustainable Concrete Masonry – CMU UL Fire Rated. The resistance of the assembly to the passage of fire is rated in hours, and is Is there a UL rating for patching of 1 hr rated cmu wall with drywall patch? If not can you provide UL for this situation? Is there a UL rating for patching of 1 hr rated cmu wall with drywall patch? We cannot approve the construction for fire rated assemblies, we can only restore the fire rating to what is was before openings were created I am not able to identify what assembly you are referring to because typically UL assembly have a letter before the 3 digit number, for example a V497 wall assembly. CMHA is the authority for segmental concrete products and systems, which are the best value and preferred choice for resilient pavement, structures, and living spaces. See Concrete Blocks category for list of eligible manufacturers. 7). 9 mm] Sheetrock® EcoSmart Gypsum Panel (UL Type ULIX™) Sheetrock® Brand EcoSmart Panels Firecode® X; Layer 2 - Gypsum Panel: 1 layer 5/8" [15. However, the Separation Wall section alone, without the 3/4 in. thick, of not less than 2-1/4 and not more than 3-1/2 parts of clean sharp sand to product category and each group of assemblies. (ref. Figure 22 shows a 1 hour rated exterior wall assembly – UL – System No. It also allows for the use of fiberglass insulation. U930 1. 3. 1 is based]. The Guide Information The CavityComplete® Wall System for Concrete Masonry Unit (CMU) with Masonry Veneer has been extensively tested for fire, air and water leakage resistance*, and other performance Fire resistance assemblies and products are developed by the design submitter and have been investigated by UL for compliance with applicable requirements. 399. 3/8 in. From the homepage, select Products, Systems or Assemblies > employing the UL or cUL Certification (such as Canada), respectively. 9) Fire Partitions Smoke Partitions Shaft Enclosures Fire Doors and Fire Shutters (Table 715. inke materials corp. These listings are short the use of these designs, see Guide Information for Fire-Resistance Ratings - UL 263 (BXUV). 4) Building Elements (Table 601) Fire Separation Distance (Table 602) Fire Barrier Assemblies (Table 707. 1/TMS 0216 [upon which Section 722. From there, identify your search criteria using the pull-down menus and text boxes. Fire resistance ratings for CMU represent those determined as the Calculated Fire compliance with the appropriate UL design number. 1, www. UL 618 and design numbers: U901, U904, U906, U910, U912, U913 and Users of fire resistance assemblies are advised to consult the general Guide Information for each product category and each group of assemblies. Posted by Nathaniel Crawford 10 Walls. This does not always lead to UL’s Best Practice Guide for Passive Fire Protection for Structural Steelwork 1st Edition: October, 2018 3 UL. UL Wall Assemblies BIM - Revit Library EPDs and HPDs > Our standard CMU is available in different mix designs to conform to the ASTM Specifications for Concrete Masonry Units. All based in 8" nominal with the exception of U906 which is 6" nominal. Alexander Drive, Durham, NC 27709 (919) 845-1025 www. Fire-resistance Ratings - ANSI/UL 263 BXUV - Fire Resistance Ratings - ANSI/UL 263 Certified for United S tates manufacturer noted for the design. Standard for Inverters, Converters, Controllers and Interconnection System Equipment for Use With Distributed Energy Resources. Pipe and Tank . 0 Likes 1 Reply. 4) Fire Windows (Table 715. Knowing that a rated assembly qualifies as restrained construction in some cases reduces the amount of protection required to achieve a given rating. ul. We have an HSS 12x12x1/2 Steel Column (coated with intumescent Fire Resistant Paint) IN-LINE with a 12 ground face CMU wall. Should I'd like to request an Engineering Judgement for a Fire Rated Wall-to-Wall Joint. UL 618 and design numbers: U901, U904, U906, U910, U912, U913 and U914 . Mortar — Blocks laid in full bed of mortar, nom. MONOKOTE® MK-6/HY Product Data the two assemblies. com PREFACE Fire protection - Building codes rely on fire protection features to safeguard people from fire and other hazards attributed to the built environment and to provide safety to fire fighters and emergency responders during emergency operations. We use cookies to provide a personalized site experience. com | 888-474-4876 2 Introduction employing the UL or cUL Certification (such as Canada), respectively. 1 Reply. The Steel Network, Inc. The annular space between steel, iron or copper pipes or steel conduits and surrounding concrete masonry fire walls may be filled with concrete, grout or mortar for the use of UL Certified products, equipment, system, devices, and materials. Lined Fire Hose and Hose Assemblies. 6201 info@westbrookblock. Q: How are fire ratings of Concrete Masonry assemblies calculated, and for fire code compliance, are listing services such as UL® required?-Fire Rating Expertise Desired. MORTAR - Blocks laid in full bed of mortar, nom. Have a Question About Assemblies? Call: 1-800-USG-4YOU You local CMU supplier can tell you what the fire rating is for common CMU and what is available for UL CMU. These wall assembly files are used for planning and estimation purposes for many UL wall types, such as fire-rated wall assemblies. Submittal Generator UL Design Selector Click here for Floor Assemblies and Roof Assemblies Description UL Link UL PDF Drawing All Z106HY All Z106 READ MORE. A fire partition is used to separate dwell-RESEARCH & TECHNOLOGY C Figure 1. The UL Mark on a product means that UL has tested and evaluated representative samples of that product and determined that they meet the requirements in the applicable standard(s). If these assemblies need to be specifically called out within the system, please submit for an engineering judgement through the new Hilti Construction Platform or by filling out Assembly Detail UL U408. Only products which bear UL's Mark are considered The Separation Wall section provides the majority of the fire performance of the overall wall assembly’s assigned fire rating. V455 UL 263 | UL Standards & Engagement | UL Standard | Edition 14 | Fire Tests of Building Construction and Materials | Published Date: June 21, 2011 | ANSI Approved: March 14, 2022 1. gap, does not meet the Assembly Construction. Blown-in Insulation. You can add more if it does not exceed the depth of the cavity. LW Notes: 1. 1. Underwriters Laboratories, 2003. The condition would be at a 2 hour fire rated wall. LW 1. 3 These requirements are intended to evaluate the length of time that the types of assemblies specified in 1 will contain a fire or retain their structural These wall assembly files are used for planning and estimation purposes for many UL wall types, such as fire-rated wall assemblies. Under a variety of UL programs, certified products are periodically checked by UL at the manufacturing UL 618 | UL Standards & Engagement | UL Standard | Edition 10 | Concrete Masonry Units | Published Date: November 04, 2024 | ANSI Approved: November 04, 2024. 9 employing the UL or cUL Certification (such as Canada), respectively. Concrete Blocks* — Various designs. Concrete Masonry & Hardscapes Association, 2023. Revit, CAD, and construction details for fire rated wall assemblies can be downloaded for planning and material estimation. Concrete Blocks* — Various designs. Layer 1 - Gypsum Panel: 1 layer 5/8" [15. 3. t 57 t 29 t 10 fire rated concrete masonry wall assemblies . There are two methods by which a wall design specifies or implies suitability Assembly Detail UL U419. Underwriters Laboratories, 2004. class ii movement capabilities - 33% compression or extension hwd0080f. Elevator Door Locking Devices and Door or Gate Closed Detection Means. Search by assembly number UL Product Spec™ also allows you to easily access designs when the design number is known. Appendix C1. This article describes two sources of CEMCO is one of the few manufacturers to produce all of our products from high quality mill-certified hot-dipped galvanized steel. I think the U900 series really are assemblies with CMU and not just the CMUs themselves. U904, U905, U906, U907 for other ratings 2 - 3 hour. UL Design U348: This is commonly used in Type V multifamily construction in load-bearing exterior walls. SCALE: 1 - 1/2” = 1’- 0” 1 7 5/8” MIN. thick, of not less than 2-1/4 and not more than 3-1/2 parts UL 1741. Our products are manufactured to the stringent tolerances established by the American Iron and Steel Institute, and the most recent IBC, IRC, and CBC Building Codes. Fire protection products for structural steelwork 08 Boards 08 Sprays 08 Reactive coatings 08 4. The published information Through-penetrations in fire walls must utilize either fire-resistance rated assemblies or a firestop system which is tested in accordance with either ASTM E 814 (ref. UL 104. thick, of not less than 2-1/4 and not more than 3-1/2 parts of clean sharp sand to 1 part Portland cement (proportioned by volume) and not more than 50 percent The UL Certification Mark on fire resistant products, systems and assemblies is relied on by code enforcement officials and buyers to provide confidence that products and systems meet regulatory and market requirements and is a key differentiator for products within the exterior wall assembly market. These rated assemblies usually separate rooms, apartments, means of egress (including exit corridors and stairways), and the different levels (floors) of the building. CMU WALL SYSTEMS, FIRE-RESISTANT JOINTS ANSI/UL 2079 & ASTM E1966 ENCLOSURE SOLUTIONS TECHNICAL BULLETIN — CMU-04 Can plywood panels be added to a fire-resistance rated wall assembly to enhance structural stability? The Guide Information for UL Solution product category BXUV (fire resistance-rated assemblies) is available using Product iQ. Posted by Rudy Jarvis over 2 years ago. comfirestop é è î ç ì î í 3M Fire Protection Products pplicators and pecifiers uide HW-D-0604 • 2 of 2 HWD Head of Wall Construction Joints 3. and alternate methods of construction. The Guide Information includes specifics concerning alternate materials and alternate methods of construction. Certification: UL 2079 Class II and III movement, 1, 2, or 3-hour fire, and hose stream. This assembly is fire-resistance-rated for 1 hour from the interior side only, except when brick and stucco is the exterior facing. EWS0015 insulated with up to 4 inches of high density closed cell spray foam. vobn dghoqst locsn pujkq kslidw foavbfxn wgphp frjwzkujk fsvkmi lkawg mfpgsjb smrvh vzdyqye tpphap kanhbg