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How to unplug valve index cable Now I never unplug it The Valve Index has an issue with cable tension right where it connects to the headset, and is especially a problem when putting on and taking off the headset, with rotation causing it to kink beyond what I'd consider safe for a cable, especially over 12 months constant use. These tools speed up the disconnect and Well, first of all, check if the cable didn't somehow unplug at the headset. this might be an unpopular opinion, but i prefer snap rotating with joysticks than fully relying on my body position since i can still feel a sliver of resistance from the cable otherwise. For discussion of the You need to have active cables. Luckily valve sent me a new cable for free even though I was 6 months out of warranty. 3:buy weights for the cable, im unsure how this would help since I’ve not done research, make your own judgement if you buy them. As the title states, whenever I have to go restart my desktop pc, or boot it up, I am forced to unplug the display port cable for my valve index in order for the computer to begin booting up. As for replacement parts, the only thing I know of is the replacement cable that Steam sells. Device Descriptor Request Failed. If that doesn't help, I would disconnect all USB devices (besides keyboard and mouse) and re-test. Upon plugging in my Index for the first time I get the dreaded USB device not recognized. I've attempted other display port ports, and all have the same affect. my launch cable is in immaculate condition as a result, 0 Important to unplug the power cable and not the joint cable connecting to the tri-connector. just keep in mind you are driving 2 monitors at 144hz, some cables might perform under 144hz Do not use the breakaway point, ever. 1 and 3. My wife likes the clean setup, so when it is not in use, we disconnect Oh nah, I'm wanting to rebuild anyway. This will begin to install the drivers Wait for about a minute Follow this guide to replace the head strap on a Valve Index VR headset. You can use active cables or repeaters to combat this, but those can introduce issues of their own, especially in America where the average power to the home is absolute shit. Displayport 1. 2 USB ports. My MB (MSI Gaming plus max b450) only have 3. Pulley systems put a ton of strain on the cable. I've also heard a suggestion to unplug the Valve Index power cable and leave it unplugged for a minute before plugging it back in. Follow this guide to replace the tether and trident cable on a Valve Index VR headset. Power off your computer and unplug the original tether from both the computer and the headset The cable loop clip located near the back of the head strap apparatus already allows the cable to move which is good, so leave that clip connected as is. I am able to get them both for a similar price. So everytime u put the headset on the cable bends an eventually brakes some wires but is not noticeable. But I read here that the technology use for the breakaway is not made for frequent unplug/plug as the connector is Other than that try unplugging the headset from the computer and just dangling that end of the cable in the air for a while then transfer the twists down the cable to that end until they've all sorted themselves out. These cables wear out within a month because the wire-connector to the Valve Index HMD ends up being bent. Otherwise it’s gonna be bound somewhere. It has a natural coil to it because of how it's manufactured, and you want to let it do as much of the work in untwisting as possible. TOOLS: Spudger (1) PARTS: Valve Index Headset Head Strap Clip (1) Valve Index Headset Head Strap Clip Rep Guide ID: 150313 -Draft: 2022-05-23 This document was generated on 2022-05-24 07:27:46 PM (MST). My testing includes includes the MiniDisplayPort adapters, extensions, stands, covers, lens adapters, cable management systems, and many other accessories that make the Index better. I'm in Canada and here's what worked for my 10 meter extension : I couldnt even leave my cable like this long enough to take a photo. if not still try . I ran the sleeve as far as it went on the ground to my feet and taped the end tight with electrical tape so it stayed in place. theyll make u troubleshoot 1st which is normal . Read the official Valve / Steam support page regards the Index as they clearly state to "unplug/replug the breakaway connector" for 3 different issues including LEDs are red and blinking LEDs are red and steady LEDs are blue The anchor point on the headband is too close where the cable plugs in . Jun 28, 2019 @ 2:36pm This solution was given to me by Valve support. Try this, it worked when the same happened to me: Honestly probably unpopular opinion, but if you trust yourself to carefully remove the cable clip on the back of the strap, your best bet is to unplug the cable on both ends and smooth it out. I unplug it properly though, not with the breakaway cable. Here’s how to install a new Valve Index cable: Remove face gasket; Detach top cable guide; Pull the headset plug out of the HMD socket; Remove the cable guide on the back of I have tried all the standard troubleshooting steps which included ensuring the cables are seated properly at the power outlet, the power connection, the breakout plug, the displayport and the Catch XORoseGold Live on Twitch @ https://twitch. If you have decent ears you can basically hear your cable dying under the strain. But I wouldn't recommend disconnecting that way lots given the amount of people I've seen on here having to RMA their cable due to it breaking from that. 5 mm connection. It was fixed by rerunning room setup. If non of that works you need a new Unplugging the EGR cable shuts the EGR down completely but does nothing with the EGR cooler. USB C magnetic chargers don't have a spec they have to comply with. Unplug it and put it away in a sealed box. 99. Same here, brand new valve index with standard cable and I'm having that issue as well. But, as always, there are a few issues that need to be resolved. If all fails, I'd ask for help from Valve's Support. . You can find official replacement tethers from Valve or third-party options specifically designed for the Valve Index. Here’s what I did the one time it worked before the faulty cable f’d me again: With a length of 33 feet, the valve index cable is the longest extension cable on our list. Edit . Yup, after sleeping, I always need to power cycle the index. The cable fits snuggly over the connection point closest to the headset. EDIT: SOLVED. I have tried every single usb port available, moved dp cables, updated all drivers. I like to keep the rotation to <= 360°, (with kiwi v2 pulleys and fpsVR as Indicator (TurnSignal is free, but fpsVR is worth it & running anyway. 2 will start to show issues around 10m, which the Index cable is already 6m. 99 Typical price: $199. #3. Valve is sending me a new cable for the headset. Brand new computer, Aorus Master Motherboard with an i9-9900k. Fix Your Stuff Community Store. Then I'm good to go Reply reply I couldnt find valve vr radio, but i uninstalled the asmedia drivers and the hub controller, im also did a clean reinstall of steam VR and it still doesnt work. Related Valve Index Virtual Reality headset Virtual reality Gaming forward back. 4. TOOLS: Spudger (1) PARTS: Valve Index Tether and Trident Cables (1) Valve Index Headset Tether and Trident C Guide ID: 150314 -Draft: 2022-05-23 This document was generated on 2022-05-24 09:18: I unplug the breakaway connector every single time and have not had issues as I'm careful plugging it back in, and where the ends of the breakaway are, so they don't get stood on when I'm storing the headset. Its safe to unplug and replug at base USB/Power/DP or if needed the breakaway junction. Add a comment Valve Index running fine for almost 2 years, and then one day had sparkles over whole screen. Uninstalled and Re-Installed Steam Follow this guide to replace the head strap clip on a Valve Index VR headset. You can disconnect the headset at that point. I am currently choosing between a Quest 3 and a Valve Index for using it to play on my PC. 00 with 8 percent savings -8% $ 183. if not then ull have to buy a new cable theyre 130 About the headset cable, I usually unplug the power and after the breakway, people have a lot of different opinions about it, someone say it will break after 2/3 times, others say it will break after 50 times so I asked Valve via Steam support and they said it is safe to disconnect, just be gently (proof in a moment). Discussion Also, if you do end up getting twisted up, do not forcibly untwist the cable. if it still persists contact valve and start an rma for the cable if ur under warranty still. Turned it off, turned it back on, and it instantly worked. I've tested 6 VR sets and currently own 3. 99 $199. It's just so odd, it was working absolutely fine lastnight, i didnt drop it or mess with any of the cables other than unplugging everything from my computer and replugging in. 5 to 3. The frustration of having to set up the base stations is one of them, but the one I want to look at today is Valve Index extension cables. 4:grab cable, let index dangle and unspoken itself. ee/xorosegoldToday we're installing a To actually fix this you either need to disconnect one end so it can spin back freely, or rotate your headset when making the cable straight. When I'm done playing, I unplug it, wrap the cable round the headset in a nice circle so the cable isn't twisted at all. Reconnecting the HMD cable to the break-away cable was a bit fiddly at first because it is a snug fit, but after getting used to it, it works like a charm. Except my headset never showed a visual - yours at least shows the desktop, so maybe it’s a different issue. AFAIK, the Virtual Link cable is expected to ship end of July. With a pulley system the twist is isolated to the section between you and the first pulley connection. Hey dude I’m going through the exact same shit. Alternatively if you don't worry about the Index you can just pull it up by the cable and the index should start spinning, since there is tension on the cable. There's a marked difference in how many times you can plug/unplug a USB cable based on whether or not the connectors are gold plated. 5 mm audio cable [male to male] is required. What fixed it for me was switching my monitor from a DP connection to an HMDI connection. let's try one more stupid thing to rule out a possibility: duct or electrical tape the cable to something immobile about 2-feet from the quick-disconnect, and see if you can't get it to work. It happened to a couple of people. 5 mm input to the headphones while the Valve Index uses a 3. Brand: Valve Index. Steam support will give u some things to try. likely a cable issue . Works, might cause damage over time to the FYI: I'm still actively testing hardware solutions for the Valve Index. The DG kit gets rid of the EGR by eliminating the cooler. Updated drivers for controllers, base stations and headset, still worked and played for about 2h. Just pulling it straight is bad and will shorten the life of your cable. Finally, check the headset itself. Unplugging the headset power for 10 seconds and plugging it back in fixed the issue. And even that is unsubstantiated as to if it even makes a difference. r/buildapc. If for some reason you want to regularly disconnect your Index, do so AT THE BACK OF YOUR COMPUTER (USBC, POWER, DP) NOT THE BREAKAWAY CABLE. Kinda want to go to an AMD CPU, maybe a micro-ATX (or even mini-ITX) board instead of full ATX and literally any other brand of mobo partly because I kinda like RGB and the RGB controls on Asrock are abysmal and like to go to rainbow strobe lights when they should be off when I'm trying to sleep in the same room The Replacement Tether for the Valve Index is a cable that is used to connect the Valve Index VR headset to your computer. What has happened to me is that sometimes driver issues pop-up and the headset stops being recognized. tv/xorosegoldInstagram, Twitter, TikTok & ScoreSaber @ https://linktr. By itself the Valve Index must be tethered to your PC, this is standard for VR headsets at the moment. The short break-away cable remains attached to my PC of course. Tilting the front of the valve index at large degrees of an angle to peek under the VR headset or to take it off and put it on. It really gives the cable more stiffness and protection. It's a lot easier to untangle than unplugging from my computer and power outlet. I just call them cable clips but Valve might call them Tether clips while an official reseller of the clips lists them as "Valve Index Headset Head Strap Clips. The hose completes the plumbing connections for coolant to bypass the cooler that was previously there. Only valve knows for sure and their default setting is to keep the motors spinning 24/7. Quick & Easy Installation The unique "Split" design allows you to easily load the cables without having to unplug your wires or apply any secondary sealing technique. Surprised that I couldn't find a video showing this! Here ya go! Remove the face gasket from the headset, which is held on by magnets. I should also note that sometimes the headset and steam vr start up perfectly with no issues If I disconnect the Index's displayport cable to my computer, the monitor shows my desktop like normal, I can then re-connect the Index's displayport cable and Play in VR like normal without issue until I put the computer into sleep mode or turn it off again, upon which the problem shows up again next time it wakes/boots. It is rated for very few cycles (officially rated for 50 afaik, compared to thousands for USB). 1st chk all ur connections . Remove all SteamVR USB Devices, unplug all cables, restart pc, replug cables, restart I leave it plugged in but ocassionally I will unplug the breaker in the middle to untangle the cable. The Index is already pushing the bandwidth limits as is. $183. Also make if you haven't tried unplugging the trident from the cable as well. sometimes there's a manufacturing defect within the first foot of a complex connector, and slight movement can cause it to b0rk. It is made from military-grade aramid fiber Got Valve Index headset yesterday and worked out of the box. I didn't even have it the whole way up the cable. Something along the lines of connecting some parts before others, the way magnetic ones can have the With the index all you really need to do is mount the base stations. r/ValveIndex. So I was wondering if anyone knew if I could make it work since it seems like HDMI 2. The cable didn't look loose or anything, but unplugging the cable from the headset (I was not even aware that this was possible), re-plugging and restarting Steam VR, the connection could be established The Index is intended to remain connected at all times just like a monitor. I have seen all the posts asking the same question over and over but none could answer the following: What is it like to use the Q3 (vs the Index) in SteamVR using the Link Cable (or any other good cable). Carefully disconnect the display cable Im aware the headset speakers can be removed with a torx screwdriver, but i have no idea if there is a standard headphone jack on the headset that allows you to connect your own. 😭 Just call Steam . Active cables are not a cheap solution, but many Index user had flickering issue and not working setup with extensions cables in the past. During reassembly, be sure this cable is not trapped underneath the motherboard. Plug them in via the provided DC 12v cables and power plugs,connect the 3 way splittercable from the index to your PC. Next, the mid way point, make sure your index's cable is securely connected to the breakaway cable. The splitter Cable requires: A Display Port slot Usb 3. Sunlight that hit the lenses can damage the screens. You need to disconnect it from the breakaway, then twist it in the opposite Disconnect the headset's cable from the single connector and reconnect it back, in case the connection is weak/lose. Use the flat end of a spudger to disconnect the press connector near the bottom-left edge of the motherboard. 0 port DC 12v plug (also provided like the base stations) Once its all plugged in. Just unplug the stupid "breakaway" connector (this is NOT what it is, it's a trident connector meant to unify the 3 cables into one single clean cable to send down to the headset) like every other fool begging to break their hardware. Make sure you have the index securely connected to your GPU. Unplugging the Index's display cable and removing and reinserting the HDMI cable for the . Btw is on your own :) I was doing this because I need to unplug and replug my Index frequently because of the headset not being able to ve connected to steam VR. Cheers I actually never unplug my index because I dont have a reason to, I did this once and I was about to freak out because it wouldn't detect my HMD no matter how many times i restarted. For safe measure, I ordered a new cable. But don't force it in, there's a small plastic connector in the jack that can break (as some ppl reported). Unplug at the computer only. Typical price: $199. OK, I know this sounds stupid but in my own post someone sugegsted to unplug the cable behind the gasket and reconnect it, the same advice Steam gives in the error, the same thing I A Valve Index 3-in-1 cable costs more than 200 dollars. That should just come right off with some wiggling. Yes, the proper way to untangle a cable is to turn it the opposite way that it got tangled up in. Barely any USB ports used. First, remove the face cushion thing. Posted by u/altchaulk21 - 2 votes and 11 comments I use the Bose QC35 headphones which require a 2. I have a cat that would either knock it off something, chew something, or cover the lenses in fur. Yeah first thing I noticed when I first got my index was how cheaply the cable To disconnect the cable, slide a thin, ESD-safe pry tool or angled tweezers under the metal neck of the connector (as close to the head as possible) and lift straight up from the board. if u go thru the motions and its still bad theyll replace it for u . Valve Hummingbird BMR Headphone Build Writeup Sleep turns off the motor, that is all you need to do. Unfortunately I got SteamVR in Safe Mode - which happened after some time of I'm using a ASUS GTX 1080 Founders Edition, with a monitor plugged into the one HDMI slot on the back. Power off and unplug your Index before you begin your repair. Pull the tether cable straight back out of the headset. I got it working but soon realised that I was having the same problem everytime I reopened steamVR after closing it so I kept having to run room setup again and then one time once I got into VR I realized the floor was a little offset so I went to the OpenVR advanced settings to offset the It’s a plug made for an easy disconnect to minimize damage to the cord if it’s ever yanked hard instead of that force being transferred to the plug in the pc, possibly breaking or bending the pc socket and or the cable. )) So I recently bought a Valve Index and then realized that it needs display port 1. Meaning that it need to include electronics to reshape/emphasis the signal to compensate for the long path. I just use the valve index box and I don’t disconnect from the breakaway , I just unplug everything and put it back in the box, it’s more of an experience for me to just take my time and set everything Valve index cable problem . Remember to store your index in a place that sunlight cannot reach. Reply reply yes. When u get the new cable do not attach anchor to headband ! Instead use velcro or Tye wraps leave loose enough for the cable to move freely. *restarting pc *updating video and bios drivers *checking the cable/plugging unplugging *the workaround found on reddit (the advanced options workaround) I have a 6gb 1060 asus video card and a rog strix b350 f. Its my intention to remove them when my headset arrives, but i have no means to route sound from my pc unless the headset has its own headphone jack like the htc vive does. 0 to my GPU and thunderbolt to my CPU (integrated 630 graphics). The only thing that finally fixed this issue for me was counterintuitive, but I tried everything until a Steam support rep told me to do the following with SteamVR running and the headset connected, disconnect the breakaway cable (the wide connector where the cable is single, not the split on the power cable where there are three) and plug it back in. Which is good as I was just about to reach out to valve support for a new cable, so thankfully it wasn’t the cable. Too many people have broken the cable using the breakaway, it was not designed for constant use. I just unplug the barrel plug for the power, wait 10 seconds, and plug it back in. and yes. Hi, mostly out of curiosity: Do you leave your Valve Index connected to the computer all the time or do you disconnect it? And if so, do you disconnect at the computer (DisplayPort + USB + Power?), or at the couping in the Index' cable? Does anyone know what's the recommendation? I'd like to store it away, but dont like to crawl behind the desk every Is it ok to plug and unplug my valve index i unplug it at the mini display port. " This will delete all Index drivers. 2 and my laptop only has HDMI 2. Skip to main content. Every time you put on the Index hmd you'll typically angle the lens apparatus up a little from the head strap apparatus. It's a failsafe, not a convenience. Visual noise This issue seems to be coupled with the display showing random coloured pixels that quickly sparkle and disappear, also known as visual static or artifacts. 0 can handle the bandwidth of DP Valve Index VR Longer Cables . To remove it, you just need to pull it toward the roof (toward the top) very gently. they gave me a new cable 6 months out off warranty . Always let the plug end do the As a side note, you can pull the cable out of the actual headset without removing it from the strap. It's the entire cable, they don't sell only part of it. 4 out of 5 stars 42 ratings | Search this page . I install SteamVR, plug in the base stations, charge the controllers and connect the headset to the appropriate ports, everything hooked up. That failure point applies if you own a valve index VR headset. Reply reply I'm just gonna paste what seems to fix a fair amount of issues Remove the cable from the top left of the hmd under the face gasket. When you rotate and thus twist the cable, that twist is normally distributed over the entire cable. This long cable allows you to extend the connection from your PC to the valve index over a considerable distance. 2. Metalpuppy. " They replied within 2 hours, and after a couple more messages (sorting out some miscommunication and shipping details) they sent me a pair of clips which arrived a week later. Click OK If asked for User account control, click Yes Unplug anything that is connected to the headset that leads to the computer Reboot your PC Plug in your Index cables to your PC. I recently extended my Valve Index cables so that I could use cable management to make my VR experience feel wireless. In the event of a cable failure, I'll just simply pick up a new one. 00. I opted for simply unplugging the cable in my 05 PD JWagen because: 1. Solution = I am never unplugging it again. Carefully remove the cable from the clip on the left side of the headband by Follow this guide to replace the tether and trident cable on a Valve Index VR headset. Where the cable changes from a single cable to 3 cables. Step 7 Disconnect the tether cable . Open Steam. Members Online. r/OLED. i would link things, but search google for, valve index extension cable you will find a some things on reddit, and the forums here. To prevent this expensive cable damage, buying the cable sleeve to protect it is obviously a good choice. That port isn't meant to be unplugged and plugged in all the time (some use is fine but not daily) so either leave it plugged in and check for spiders or unplug the power from the tri-connector. Hasn't let me down once, so I'll continue to keep doing it. Second this, don't unplug the breakaway point. A 2-ring 2. Repeatedly disconnecting and reconnecting the breakaway connection is what killed my last cable. Scroll down and click "Remove All SteamVR USB Devices. The Purpose of Extension Cables. Once loaded Is it fine to unplug those 3 cables on a daily basis, or could this way of doing things damage my PC's/the Index's ports ? (I think using the breakaway cable for that is a no-no, so I won't unplug it daily) Related Valve Index Virtual Reality headset Virtual reality Gaming forward back. Valve Index Replacement Tether VR Cable Kit for Virtual Reality Headset . Because i have a little brother that will freak out when he sees the headset so i have to hide it. Was just playing VR and accidentally hit the cord and it just shut off and hasn't turned back on sense It says it's detached at the headset and I even tried buying a new cord so I know the cord works I think it's the cable input but it doesn't really look broken but that's the only thing that - Valve Index Headset Just got my fresh valve index this morning and thought this would be a fairly easy setup, but boy was I wrong. If this is the breakaway connector, I just want to mention that you should avoid unplugging and replugging it unless necessary. Wasn't a cable issue after all. This video focuses on the Valve Index, Index: Your headset's cable has become disconnected at the headset Me too, I have to unplug and re-plug into the wall socket each time to clear the message and get it working. Unplug it from the PC/power and hold the HMD up to let the cable untwist itself. For discussion of the Valve Index. Removed all useless drivers. If you want to unplug I just got my valve index and I had this issue. what we are trying to accomplish here is to assure all cable I used the cable sleeve on my Vive OG for years before getting the wireless. It's twisted and therefore creasing, you should pick up the cable and feel the way it wants to go until it's perfectly straight. If I start my PC with the Index's display cable plugged into any of the three display ports, my monitor displays 'No HDMI signal detected' and enters power saving mode. After 1 year of buying my Index I had to get 2 replacement cables, Steam support (so far) was super helpful sending me 2 new ones but im afraid of it (obviously) happening again. Add a comment . If you work with these connectors often, you may want to buy a specialized disconnect tool (small size, large size). It might feel like it is stuck but just pull with an upward motion and then plug the cable back in. Step 15 Use your finger or an opening tool to unlock the display cable connector at the top of the motherboard. Sounds about right, commonly these problems start appearing between around 6 to 8 months of normal usage, if you had popping audio or occasional white random firing pixels appearing before this, it's most likely that the cable is You rotated too many times with the cable. Question/Support Hi Lads, So I am looking at getting myself a Valve Index VR. Then, following the cable on the upper left, make sure the connector is fastened to the headset. However the room where I keep my PC is not big enough to acomodate it so am looking at getting really long cables to go downstairs where I do have plenty of room. Moreover, there are more design issues you need to worry about. the Index is the best. 4 4. qyatz bevcwcig iziv rmwlbh ycnj imbp hscv bhlt ykfdm pstqy wwnl sksvf tbim hstm uilye