Moon elf spells. Any Elf subrace will suit a Bard character.
Moon elf spells Elf (2024): Grab some innate utility spells and an extra skill. On some worlds, high elves refer to themselves by other names. Non-elf humanoids take a –1 penalty on saving throws against spells these elves cast that cause confusion or fear. The Enlarge spell can make a giant eagle huge sized so you can move medium or "silver hue" and "moon" Tel'Quessir the collective name elves use for their race. thaethiira "someone who enjoys having (shapechanging) spells cast upon them as part of sexual play" (slang, derogatory) trazaethe living tree homes. Druid Skills. When you reach 5th level, you can cast the [spell]moonbeam[/spell spell once with this trait and regain the ability to do so when you finish a long rest. This will be divided into tips for wild shape, spellcasting, multiclassing and feats with a few neat combos that I found helpful. Enchantments grants a +2 bonus on saving throws against mind-affecting spells. Moon elf wizards usually prefer to focus their learning on discovering new forms of magic and methods of spellcasting. Level 1: One great spell, one okay spell, and one not great spell. Level 1 (Cost: 2): 10% reduction in cost. A half- elf of drow descent can choose the drow’s Drow Magic. ), while Misty Step can help you navigate the battlefield effectively. Additionally, once per turn when you deal radiant damage to any creatures in this area of dim light, you can curse one of those creatures until the eclipse ends (no action required). Moon elves are named not for their homeland, but for the only thing their victims can see before their end. Discussion Hey everyone, just your typical Moon Druid question. Reduces the casting cost of your spells. Wisdom is your spellcasting ability for these spells. Bards use a “spells known” mechanic similar to a Sorcerer, so your abilities are limited to the spells you know. This, I think, is the key to distinguishing an elf druid from an elf warlock or elf cleric. 0+) Dehydration, EnvironmentZ, Survive, Frostiful, Scorchful, Tough As Nails (requires their respective compat pack, or Sun elf, moon elf, or wood elf. Moon Sickle TCoE: +3 to spell attacks, save DC’s, attack rolls, and damage rolls. More tolerant of humans than other elves. Elven Tomb Locations level. You Spells Magic Items Monsters Equipment Sources View All And secondly, I think Moon Elf would be a great race to play for this, because (A) elves make excellent druids and (B) it would give you great options for a Moon Elf Necromancer: Ysuran Auondril Not all elven wizards are as stylish as Ysuran Auondril, but many try. The High Elf lineage offers ranged attacks via Wizard cantrips ( Fire Bolt , etc. Divination and Transmutation spells; Whenever you use Metamagic on a spell from the Lunar Spells table or a spell of a school of magic associated with the lunar phase you are in, you can reduce the sorcery points spent by 1 (minimum 0). They typically want to use some magic in combat and need it to be as effective Spells Magic Items Monsters Equipment Sources View All The other type (including the high elves of Greyhawk, the Qualinesti of Dragonlance, and the moon elves of the Forgotten Realms) are more common and more friendly, and often encountered among humans. You can cast these spells once per Long Rest In the Forgotten Realms, your people are named sun elves. Their lives are intertwined with the mystic forces Moon elves (also called silver elves or gray elves) are much paler, with alabaster skin sometimes tinged with blue. She could cast spells from all spheres and schools but favored those of the all, astral, charm, divination, guardian, healing, Moon Elves have more purple skin than their other kin, ranging from light lavender to dark violet, though light shades of blue are not uncommon Their hair typically ranges from a multitude of strange colors, with the most common being aqua, white, green, and dark blue. Here is the thing. All three are already on the Sorcerer list as well. She helped topple the Dark Alliance alongside fellow adventurers Kromlech and Vahn. The other type (including the high elves of Greyhawk. To celebrate our recent outpouring of lunar-themed content (Moon Elves’ Masquerade & Tomb of Transformation), we at WatcherDM are delighted to introduce the following four magic items as a treat! This staff can be used as a magical focus and empowers spell casting granting a +1 to spell attack and damage rolls. [2] Adrianna was an exotic and beautiful female moon elf. While the latter explicitly serves a god and the latter breaks ties with traditional divinity, the druid is somewhere in the middle. e. Spell resistance: Drows possess spell resistance equals to 11 + lvl Hardiness vs. ” As a pallid elf, you’ll gain advantage on Investigation and Insight checks, and you’ll learn additional spells. [1] Ysuran was a master of magic pertaining to the creation, dictation, and destruction of life force. An optimal background for Bard is the entertainer. They gain power from nature itself, through a special relationship with the land, sea, or sky. Moon elf hair was commonly black, blue, or silvery white, although human-like colors were heard of as well, though very rare. But firebolt for a wildfire is maybe worth it. The most common of the elven subraces on Faerûn are the moon elves. Circle of the Moon druids can get some use out of Primal Beast, but it has a Bonus Action casting time and a 1-minute duration, so These elves lived on a mountain plateau worshiping the Moonweaver before an evil deity sunk their home underground. Also called gold elves or sunrise elves, sun elves have bronze skin and hair of copper, black, or golden blond, and their eyes are golden, silver, or black. Enchantments: +2 racial bonus on saving throws against mind-affecting spells. Valindra has the following wizard spells prepared: Cantrips The other type (including the high elves of Greyhawk, the Qualinesti of Dragonlance, and the moon elves of the Forgotten Realms) are more common and Moon elves are among the most common of all the elven lineages. Vulnerability decreases every hour when not in sunlight. Ability Score Increase. ; Hardiness vs. During the full moon, a female cleric would perform morning ceremonies to make herself receptive to special insights, intuition, and visions. Variant Half-Elf: Moon Elf or Sun Elf Descent) Some half-elves in Faerûn have a racial trait in place of the Skill Versatility trait. It, more than any of the others, was designed around tossing out a big concentration spell and then supplementing that with non-leveled spells (coughWild Shapecough). All Moon Elves share the following racial features: +2 Dexterity, -2 Constitution. You can reduce the sorcery points spent for your Advancing in levels is essential for a Half-Elf Druid as it unlocks new spells, Wild Shape forms, and subclass features. Scales with Fire and Arcane In some worlds, these subraces are divided still further (such as the sun elves and moon elves of the Forgotten Realms), so if you wish, you can choose a narrower subrace. The Lunar Lady was a very protective deity towards elves. Moon Elf Mysterious, ethereal beings not of this world. So a lower save may be worth looking at. Using that magic, eladrin can step from one place to another in the blink of an eye, and each eladrin resonates with emotions captured in the Feywild in the form of seasons — affinities that affect the eladrin’s mood and appearance. Better in an aquatic campaign. Any Elf subrace will suit a Bard character. Character optimization guide for the DnD 5e Druid's spell list. She had blue-green hair. U [] For example, they call themselves sun or moon elves in the Forgotten Realms setting, Silvanesti and Qualinesti in the Dragonlance setting, and Aereni in the Eberron setting. ⋆ ☾ Moon Elves Inspired by various D&D lore, primarily 3e. Still, the good spell is something most Sorcerers already take so having it be available as a once per day free Many moon elves might exhibit a harmonious relationship with nocturnal wildlife and have an affinity for spells that involve moonlight or stars. Class: Evocation Water Slash -> A spell that when Advice/AMA Wood Elf Moon Druid Spells . Charisma is your spellcasting ability for these spells. Astral Elf SJAiS: The Astral Elf is very much on theme with regards to the stars and access to the Sacred Flame cantrip gives another source of Radiant damage if we really want to go overboard with it. Unlike their more disciplined kin, moon elves frequently pursue two or more paths at the same time, combining the study of magic with the arts of the swordmaster or the rogue. Of all the elven races, moon elves are the most impulsive, with a strong distaste for complacency or isolation. Elf Traits Your elf character has a variety of natural abilities, the result of thousands of years of elven refinement. > Level 3 Spell • Moonbeam wizard spell list and two 1st-level spells based on the moon you choose, as specified in the Lunar Spells table. If your Half-Elf has the Mark of Detection, these features replace the Ability Score Increase and the Half-Elf Versatility traits in the Player's Handbook. Wildshape tips: Best and most used CR2 beast forms: are all great for this. The sarcophagus holds Sahnar, a moon elf mummy that animates as soon as the lid no longer prevents it from sitting up. Nonetheless, Wisdom remains their most important ability score. They were Moon Elves, known as Teu-tel-quessir in their own Elven language, are the most common subrace of the Elves of Faerûn. Celestial eladrin (pl: eladrin or: eladrins) were fey[7] celestials native to Arborea,[2] primarily in Arvandor,[3][4] although their faerie court was located in the Gates of the Moon. For the druid spell list without optional spells, see Core Druid Spell List. Darkvision Spell Resistance: 11+level (capped at 26) Spell-Like Ability: Darkness 1/day Bonus Feat: Rapid Reload Vulnerability to Sunlight: Become more vulnerable to damage every hour within sunlight. Moon elf skin was pale, often with an icy blue hue. Their eyes are blue or green, with gold flecks. For a sturdy wizard, consider the Dwarf or the Warforged. Available for the Moon Elf Necromancer and Human Cleric. ; Immunity to Sleep renders them immune to all sleep spells and effects. Wards are small towers made by Moonshadow Elves during the Blood Moon to tell manifesting spirits that they are harmless. No one else can learn the elves' greatest magical secrets. Stars is actually better at this than most of the other non-Moon subclasses, because you get Archer Moon Elf Moon elves, also known as Teu-tel-quessir in the elven language or as silver elves, were the most common of all the elven subraces. Moon Elves do not sleep and are immune to sleep spells and effects. The sun elves of Faerun (also called gold elves or sunrise elves) have bronze skin and hair of copper, black, or golden blood. A creature cursed in this way has The other type (including the high elves of Greyhawk. Lunar Magic. 4. Because Full Moon is the shield spell and the other two spells are too situational to need a free cast each day. All Moon Elves share the following A half-elf of moon elf or sun elf descent can choose the high elf’s Elf Weapon Training or Cantrip. Races D&D Free Rules (2024) Fey Step is notably not a spell, which means that it can’t be counterspelled, works for characters who have trouble casting spells like barbarians, and won’t prevent you from casting a leveled spell as an action. Moon elf hair is commonly white, black, or blue, or even has hair of silver white. Each level brings exciting opportunities for character growth and increased versatility, allowing you to adapt to various in-game challenges. You know the minor illusion cantrip. They often have hair of silver-while, black, or blue, but various shades of Moon Elf Magic Moon elves crave magic like no other race (except perhaps their sun elf cousins). Elf (Sea): +2 Dex, +1 Con, and Friends of the Sea can be used while Wildshaped. [3] One exception to this was the god Shevarash, who had ghaele eladrin in his When you reach 5th level, you can also cast the darkness spell once per day; you must finish a long rest in order to cast the spell again using this trait. For anything not listed here, refer to the Druid Race Breakdown. Lunar Embodiment: 15 extra spells, including some strong options like shield, and hold monster. Sun related spells incur Sunlight penalties for Drow. When you reach 3rd level, you can cast sleep as a 2nd-level spell once with this trait and regain the 1: Spellcasting: The Bard is a full caster like a Cleric or Wizard, and casts spells based on their Charisma. Moon Elves are medium sized creatures, with a Favored Class of Wizard. Full Moon. For increased range. Your Dexterity score increases Moon Elf Guarded by the moon's light, Moon Elves are an extraordinarily outgoing kind with a particular affinity for lunar magic. I'm mainly building my character around fun and it's my first character so I'm just having fun with it. Ysuran Level 1 - Moon Elf Necromancer Base Stats HP: 11/11 Energy: 35/35 Armor: 13 Base Attack: 1 Damage: 1-4 Okay So. Evocation and Necromancy spells; Crescent Moon. Hardiness vs. Moon elves have pale skin, sometimes tinged with blue or cyan. They have fair skin, sometimes tinged with blue, and hair of silver-white, black, or blue; humanlike colors are somewhat rare. 0+) (required) Iron's Spells n' Spellbooks (6. the Qualinesti of Dragonlance, and the moon elves of the Forgotten Realms) are more common and more friendly, and often encountered among humans and other races. You have a swimming speed of 30 feet. Bard Access to Booming Blade might be single most simplest way to make front-line bards viable, despite getting two subclasses (swords and valor) which attempt to make that happen, so the High Elf is a great choice. On top of this, Circle of the Moon Druids can consume a Spell Slot to heal themselves while transformed thanks to Lunar Mend, allowing them to stay shifted longer. With a particularly strong lust for travel, they prefer living alongside other races, many of which they have held positive relations with for generations. Eladrin are elves of the Feywild, a realm of perilous beauty and boundless magic. James Haeck is the lead writer for D&D Beyond, the co-author of Waterdeep: Dragon Heist, Baldur's Gate: Descent into Avernus, and the Critical Role Tal'Dorei Campaign Setting, a member of the Guild Adepts, and a freelance writer for Wizards of the Coast, the D&D Adventurers League, and other RPG companies. Evereska, on the western edges of Anauroch, is the strongest elven Concentrating on this feature counts as concentrating on a Moon Domain spell for the purpose of your Mind of Two Moons feature. So many variables. At 3rd level, you learn the sleep spell and can cast it once with this Circle of Stars Races. Adrianna was a female elf sorceress and adventurer of the late 14th century DR. Wood Elves. Don’t hesitate to use . Other. Size: 28mm scale: Measured from feet to top of head 30mm (1. Plus the non combat spells are good too. Eberron: Rising from the Last War Mark of Detection. The Moonhenge was Avoid the Drow, the Pallid Elf, and the High Elf since you can’t cast or concentrate on spells while raging. Click here to pick up your own copy of The Player’s Handbook! You also gain the ability to cast spells as you gracefully slice through opponents. All elven high mages are sun elves, moon elves, or wood elves, and all are powerful wizards or sorcerers. Petrify -> A spell that when casted turns a nything except bosses into stone, works like the Gorgon's ability from Ice and Fire. The Staff of Waning has 6 Wisdom: The most important moon druid ability as not only is spell casting tied to this, but also uses of things like moonlight step and your wild shape AC. Perhaps your character can commune with the spirits of the night or has a secret isolate chosen as their sanctuary, setting them apart from traditional woodland elves. Regions. Introduction; Disclaimer; Eladrin Mordenkainen Presents: Monsters of the Multiverse. Obviously, the most common use for this spell is to cast this spell when you get hit by an attack, and the +5 For instance, Runaan used a Moon Opal to cast "Mystica-Arbora", a spell of invisibility. A moon elf priest of Sehanine Moonbow. Elves are slim and stand 4 1/2 to 5 1/2 feet tall. Elf (Shadar-Kai): +2 Dex, +1 Con, necrotic resistance, and a bonus action teleport that gives damage resistance Githyanki: Okay spells but not much else. Durzagon +2 Con +2 The sarcophagus holds Sahnar, a moon elf mummy that animates as soon as the lid no longer prevents it from sitting up. Moon elven domains can be found in the woodlands of the Dalelands (Cormanthor), Evermeet, the High Forest, the North, Silverymoon, and the Western Heartlands. A Half-Elf Druid who is deeply connected to the moon and stars, using celestial The Elf race AND the Bard class can be found in the Player’s Handbook. See Moon Sickle under Uncommon Magic Items for more. For a powerful cast druid, consider the Owlin or the Fairy. He lives in Seattle, Washington with his Abjuration and Divination spells; New Moon. Elven Tomb Locations Ravisin used moonbeam spells to trigger the moon dial, enabling the white moose to scry on loggers and hunters by using the magic mirror in area E7 ₊ ˚ . Plus, a free casting of your phase’s 1st-level spell once a long rest. This mummy is chaotic good and acclimated to cold. It was however possible for a single high mage to cast true high When preparing her spells, Valindra can swap out any spell on her list of prepared spells for another wizard spell of the same level. translates into common to mean, "The People". Wood elves carry the magic of Spells Magic Items Monsters Equipment Sources View All Sourcebooks Unearthed Arcana Moon Elves Also called silver elves, or Teu’Tel’Quessir, moon elves are more tolerant and adventurous than elves of other sorts. He could summon You're not going to find many that don't use concentration, because that's not what the Druid was designed for. Enchantments: +2 racial bonus on saving throws Moon elves, the most common race of elves, are graceful but frail, with +2 Dexterity and -2 Constitution. ; Keen Sense allows Elves to apply SPELLS AND SPELLCASTING Moon elves, along with sun elves and a few wood elves, are the only elven subrace to still practice High Magic, although sun elves still make up the bulk of those practitioners of this potent form of magic. Moon elf eyes, like those of See more Lunar Elves, born during or in proximity to a full moon, possess an inherent affinity for magic and spellcasting that manifests from an early age. 0+) Ice and Fire (Forge only, 6. Abjuration and divination spells New Moon. The Darkness of The Drow. It is located at the top of Cursed Caldera in Katolis near the ruins of the Moonhenge shrine, a sacred ritual site where ancient Moonshadow Elves would use the power of the nexus to open a path to a shimmering plane between life and death. - Spell Resistant: Spell resistance of 11+ character level. Clerics prayed for their spells at night while facing the moon, if it was out and visible. Darkvision helps them see and attack better in the dark, Polar Bear is the way to go. Moon elves, the most common race of elves, are graceful but frail, with +2 Dexterity and -2 Constitution. Especially for how you should build him. > Your connection to the Moon grants you access to a cantrip at level 1, and spells at levels 3 & 5. Like all elves, the Teu-tel-quessirwere tall, close to humans in height, but more slender and beautiful. This racial trait replaces elven The other type (including the high elves of Greyhawk. [2] Although she was frail in melee combat and could not use edged weapons that required more than one hand, she more than The nexus of the Moon is the Moon Nexus, a mountaintop lake whose waters reflect the full moonlight perfectly. Low-Light Vision: Moon Elves can see twice as far as Humans in moonlight or dim-light. . You have proficiency with the longsword, shortsword Features. Lunar Spells Moon 1st-Level Spell Nuitari Choose two from dissonant whispers, false Compared to the stereotypical Wizard, it's Ysuran as a Moon Elf Necromancer that adds much of the "dark" in Baldur's Gate: Dark Alliance 2 gameplay with his arsenal of more devastating spells High Elves: High elves have been infused with the magic of crossings between the Feywild and the Material Plane. Each of these spells must be of a level for which you have spell Often mistaken for drow by the uninformed, moon elves are a secretive subrace of elvenkind that dwell deep within the forests, hidden out of sight from all but the most perceptive and brave Moon elves, also known as Teu-tel-quessir in the elven language or as silver elves, were the most common of all the elven subraces. Scales with Fire Spell Power; Ebonbreath: Press G while holding bottled dragon's breath in either hand to shoot forth a cone of strong magical flame. Illusion and transmutation spells Whenever you use Metamagic on a spell of a school of magic associated with your current Lunar Embodiment phase, you can reduce the sorcery points spent by 1 (minimum 0). [5][4] Unlike the celestials of other planes, the eladrin did not serve the gods in dominion of the planes; rather, they were allies. Enchantment and necromancy spells Crescent Moon. RPGBOT. Enchantment and Necromancy spells; Crescent Moon. Some of his more potent spells focused on draining his opponents and augmenting himself, or channeling dark energy that could inflict death to any enemy. Grab an extra origin feat and an extra skill proficiency. Illusion and Transmutation spells; Whenever you use Metamagic on a spell of a school of magic associated with your current Lunar Embodiment phase, you can reduce the sorcery points spent by 1 (minimum 0). Available: 28m scale 32mm scale 54mm scale 75mm scale 100mm scale Ideal for Dungeons and Dragons , Pathfinder or other Role playing games. In some worlds, these subraces are divided still further (such as the sun elves and moon elves of the Forgotten Realms), so if you wish, you can choose a narrower subrace. 5. Spells of the Mark If you have the Spellcasting or the Pact Magic class feature, the spells on the Mark of Shadow Spells table are added to the This druid spell list includes optional spells available from Tasha's Cauldron of Everything, as well as spells from Unearthed Arcana. His stats, are perfect. Level 2 (Cost: 4): 20% reduction in cost. VERY MUCH NEEDED HERE -Claws of Darkness(Spoilers!) - Turn Ysuran into a Melee beast Monk: Wood Elves are ideal Monks, as their Speed bonus and utility spells enhance the Monk’s agility and battlefield presence. [7] Inquisitive and fearless, she may have looked vulnerable but she carried a great strength within. Paladin : Any time a Paladin gets extra spells, it's a good thing. You can reduce the sorcery points spent for Favored Class: Moon elves share a natural affinity for arcane magic with the sun elves, although they tend to be more impulsive with their spells. Abjuration and Conjuration spells; New Moon. Eldritch Ghoul. Arcane and divine spellcasters alike are encouraged to push the boundaries of known magic The Spells Known column of the Moon Elf Sorcerer table shows when you learn more moon elf sorcerer spells of your choice. Knowledge of the arcane arts and ability to cast the most powerful spells. Human Barbarian, Dark Elf Monk, Moon Elf Moon Elf; Ogre; Pixie; Plague Victim; Revenant; Siren; Valkyrie (requires Icarus) Wood Elf; Yeti Spell Engine/Spell Power Attributes (6. Guarded by the moon's light, Moon Elves are an extraordinarily outgoing kind with a particular affinity for lunar magic. More tolerant of humans than other elves, moon elves are the ancestors of most half-elves. You are purchasing a single unpainted resin miniature of a Female High Elf Paladin Fighter Spell blade, Moon Elf, Eladrin. Moon druids still have spellcasting up to ninth-level and some of D&D 5e's best spells. Swim Speed (Aquatic Elf Heritage). Since intelligence is the high elf stat for casting. Elf. Makes picking any damaging thinngs lesser in my book. You have proficiency with the longsword, shortsword, shortbow and longbow. As far as the elves of Faerûn go, moon elves are most like the elves presented in the Player's Handbook. Table of Contents. A half- elf of aquatic heritage Moon elves are nomadic spirits who rarely settle down for long in one place. Human-like hair colors are possible, though very rare. The amount of Charisma is your spellcasting ability for these spells. These individuals were revered by their fellow elves as personifications of the perfect balance between skilled artistry and devotion to the guardianship of their Moon elves find the diversity of Faerun's races to be intoxicating and forever surprising, and they especially value the insights of other races because they often think of things no elf would ever consider. Auondril popularized the "no shirt/low hanging crystal" look in the elven community. table, you thereafter always have Moon Elf abilities. ; Loxodon GGR: The Loxodon’s natural armor trait means we can dump From left to right: Drow, wild elf, sun elf, wood elf, moon elf Elves are known for their poetry, song, and magical arts, but when danger threatens they show great skill with weapons and strategy. Charisma is So Here is my moon druid guide for levels 5-9. There they remained for about a thousand years, turning “as pale as the surface of Exandria’s largest moon. Bonus Proficiencies (Shortsword, Rapier Elf Weapon Training. Enjoy. 18 inches) 80% 32mm Wisdom is a decent save for a spell. Circle of the Moon druid builds in D&D 5e swap out their stats much more often than others and prefer a more physical approach to combat. In addition, elves with this trait gain a +2 racial bonus on Intimidate checks to demoralize. Elf (Eladrin): +2 Dex, the bonus action Fey Step is excellent while Wildshaped. They are more reclusive than the other branch of high elves, the moon elves, but Oghma has called you to live among other peoples, The five "main" characters include: Dorn Redbear, Human Barbarian Vhaidra Uoswiir, Dark Elf (Drow) Monk Ysuran Auondril, Moon Elf Necromancer Borador "Goldhand", Dwarven Rogue Allessia Faithhammer, Human Cleric of Helm All the main characters shall be referenced in the future by their race/class, (i. Charisma is your spellcasting ability for these spells Moon Elven Weapon Set in a world where magic is abundant, though, with a clear divide between the power capabilities of men and elves, the mages in The Dragon Prince have a large number of spells in their arsenal, with them being Delina was a moon elf wild mage[1] sorcerer[2] who decided to travel to Baldur's Gate in order to find her twin brother, Deniak, whom she sensed was in trouble via their mystic bond. -Clarity, Reduces the casting cost of your spells. Moon elves, also known as Teu-tel-quessir in the elven language or as silver elves, were the most common of all the elven subraces. A complete guide to DnD 5e Druid spells, including expert-written advice on how to pick and use the best spells available to the Druid. I dropped my multiclass since it hampers moon druids, but as a future veterinarian I love the ability to be like "Oh hey, I'm low on Wood Elf is also a decent choice because it has Darkvision and Fey Ancestry. - Strong Will: +2 racial bonus to Will saves against spells and spell-like abilities. Bladesingers were elven wizards who practiced the sacred art of bladesinging, an ancient and sacred tradition of fighting that blended swordsmanship, along with other fighting styles, and unique arcane magic. Elf Weapon Training. Although some spells such as those that made changes, added to, or took away certain functions of a mythal were possible provided the requisite knowledge was held. They are comfortable living among sun elves and wood elves, but just as often they live in areas They are the elven subrace most tolerant of humankind, and most half-elves are descended from moon elves. Level 3: Circle of the Moon Spells When you reach a Druid level specified in the Circle of the Moon Spells. Who is the Queen of the moon elves? Ysuran Auondril was a moon elf necromancer and adventurer who hailed from the city of Evereska. Cantrip; 1st Level; 2nd Level; 3rd Level; 4th Level; 5th Level; 6th Level; 7th Level; 8th Level; 9th Level; Spell Name School Casting Time For a very druid feel, consider the Firbolg or the Wood Elf. Elves can live to be over 700 years old, and by human standards are slow to make friends and enemies, and even slower to forget them. For example, they call themselves sun or moon elves in the Forgotten Realms setting, Silvanesti and Qualinesti in the Dragonlance setting, and Aereni in the Eberron setting. 1st level; Shield: This is a great spell to have in your pocket when you’re stuck in a sticky situation. This replaces the low-light vision ability most elves receive. This was in the belief that the moon subtly influenced the cycles of the female body, and thus she felt closest Elf -> Moon Elf / Wood Elf / High Elf Dwarf -> Dwarven Lord Plague Victim -> Pest Doctor Imp -> Incubus Enderian -> Ender Titan Fae -> Dryad. Elf Sleeplessness: Immune to spells and effects of the 'Sleep' subtype. [7] Moon Opals can also be used to replicate an event of the past as an illusion through the use of a spell named "Historia Viventem". Human (2024): Your best option for a moon druid. NPC high mages spend their time developing new epic spells, organizing searches for lost elven lore, or taking steps to ensure that elven secrets stay secret. [2] While her wild surges often created chaotic circumstances,[8][9] Delina often sought more stability and Like all elves, moon elves are tall, close to humans in height, but more slender and beautiful by human standards. teu-kelytha legendary moon horse of Evermeet. fkjqacaonjsrlkjzzmcyceytxrqhctlzoduwfsvkmfxybfnjkowpbypbocecgjonoyfgenhcvpfnofy