Stfc armada crews Armada crew recommendations. Scopely recently released the new Enterprise NX-01 to Star Trek Armada: for madas that go 10 rounds or more lvl 25 to 39 armadas, Riker/Bev/Khan Crews are the basics to success. Extra loot crew. Unfortunately, these new armadas hit Go to STFC_crews r/STFC_crews. You can fill out your officers/researches/buildings and those red names will flip to yellow or green STFC Commanders can now defeat Xindi Aquatic hostiles to earn rich rewards, and you can assign the perfect crew to your ship to increase your rewards. Exocomps: Always use exocomps to boost the stats that your weakest ship needs the most. Hey all, I haven’t done much around armadas to this point but would like to get more of involved in them, I’m level 35, just built a defiant, have a maxed sally as well. The following crews are Empfohlene Crew: Generische Armada-Crew Einer der Armada-Teilnehmer sollte Folgendes verwenden: Neun von Elf - Unimatrix Zwölf (G), Sieben von Elf - Unimatrix Zwölf und eine Borg armadas from level 25-35 are fought exactly the same way as regular armadas, and you can use regular armada crews to defeat them (on a Vi'dar though, always on a Vi'dar here). Kirk (C)/Spock/Khan is the best crew for mudmadas (or emadas as some call them). B'Rel, Bortas and Saladin. I know that he is an armada beast, especially when paired with Bev. Once you hit a point where all their attacks are crits, and all the crits do zero damage, the whole armada literally does zero damage. And today we discuss how to MORE effectively run Armada Leader Luckily we can reduce critical damage to 0 by stacking Gaila, who reduces critical damage by 50%, or by 110% when paired with either Picard/Beverly or Pike/Moreau. If you don't have Enterprise throw someone else in (O'Brien) for synergy and a useful buff. Members Online • radar317. Star Trek Fleet Command (STFC) is Loot Crews. Once These are basically the same as Dominion Solo Armadas, though so far at least the uncommons seem somewhat weaker. Don't just assume because you can hit a 46 epic normal armada with your alliance, that "How do you make an STFC player put down their phone?" "Have them start an Armada. Crews. twitch. This will change as you get better research, ships and crews as less will be required. the more you can can throw at the armada, the better you will do. Using similar crew setups should provide good results for you. I think somebody else mentioned Kirk\Spock\Kahn being good too. traditionally, you'd run 2 pmg (pike, Moreau, Gaila) to remove armada crits, a hull breach crew, a burn crew and the rest dps 35-37 This site is built for Star Trek Fleet Command or STFC players. For example you can upload 50 battle logs where you kill level 50 A Next Gen crew would look something like this: Next Gen La Forge and Next Gen Troi as the core members. They are a major piece for any activity resulting in your success or Recently acquired Riker. Star Trek Fleet Command’s update 62, which was released on To conquer STFC’s Dominion Solo Armadas, you have to use 3 crews, each of which is assigned to a specific vessel. I've been using Kirk (c) with Spock and changeling kira for armadas. The original nerf left armadas alone but disabled Gaila's ability during armadas, making her The new solo armadas require players to use multiple crews to fight, this video outlines the basic armada crews as of deep space nine arc part two (october 2 STFC players can begin the Jem’Hadar Solo Armada in the level 36 system, Rakan and in the level 60 system, Altero. With all that said, my most general advice would T3 ENT with Riker cap (bearded armada one) Lorca and Tos Kirk T9 Sally with Bev cap (armada one) worf (synergy tng not hg) and Georgiou T5 Centurion with Kirk cap (morale) Spock STFC’s recent update introduced Xindi Armadas to the game and if you are interested in defeating them, you have to use Dezoc. In October 2022, Star Trek Fleet Command introduced In STFC, Alliance members can form an Armada group to defeat powerful enemies, however, each group must consist of 3 crew members. Just ensure that all your ships are ready before launching, as the Commanders who meet specific requirements in STFC can send their Monaveen to defeat the Shipyard Solo Armadas to earn rich rewards. The last member of the crew can be Next Gen Crusher, T'Laan, Armada crews are more complicated, and depend upon the type of armada you're facing, but often a PvP crew will do reasonably well. Krenim Invading Entities, while they may look like armadas, are most definitely not. Armada Crews Vidar/Vidar Talos vs Borg Mega Cube One of the Armada participants should use: Nine of Eleven - Unimatrix Twelve (c), Seven of When facing different types of armadas in Star Trek Fleet Command, selecting the right crew can significantly impact your success. Please destroy them, they’re not nice guys. That'll be your most survivable ship, or at least among them, if you're running the infinite shield on it with Kirk. It can be more than double, so it might be worth running lower armadas with this crew depending on the level of Frank-A Alternate crews for 'near' Deep/Dark Space: 5/6/Ash Tyler : bonus mitigation, piercing, damage (if someone rings burning) Bev/6/Ash Tyler : requires external 'burning' support but Guys, it feels like we're doing a lot on Stella lately and it's probably deserved. . Official Subreddit STFC: Texas-class crew. Otherwise, try to keep The loot you acquire from this armada will enable you to run a rare encounter after three days, and after completing two rares, you’ll be able to take on an epic encounter. r/STFC_Official. Dont bother with changeling kira, she's not very effective. Through a quirk in the game's coding, if the Crews Crewing is one of the most difficult parts of this game, as knowing how officers work together requires an intimate knowledge of all their abilities. This is the most loot yield you can get on the bridge of a ship. Even if it is Obviously run the Sisco/Kirk/Lorca crew in the Enterprise. gg/Cq Star Trek Fleet Command Mega-Thread: Best Armada Ships and Crews Commanders, With the addition of the new Alliance Starbase and Cardassian armadas, there Crews. Having four max level Gailas in the I'd say most armada crews work fine, just make sure the players who are joining are adequately powered and that you know you can defeat the nodes. Introduction. The PvP crew, however, allows several options: You can either participate in a Group Armanda, which requires that Alliance members collaborate to destroy the enemy, or in a Solo Armada. Official Subreddit for all things Star Trek: Fleet Command, an MMORPG by Scopely. In order to enhance any ship in STFC’s abilities, you have to assign the correct crew to the ship. This page covers specifically on bridge crew combinations for various purposes. Three good armada crews on three ships of an Formation armadas are an armada requiring twelve ships to do properly. Crewing is one of the most difficult parts of this game, as knowing how officers work together requires an intimate knowledge of all their abilities. This can be anywhere from from four to twelve players, with up to three ships each (one at each branching armada). " --- Once that timer is going, they're on their way to Away From Keyboard (AFK They all have Go to STFC_Official r/STFC_Official. There are plenty of ways to crew for this. Attack Defense Health: Normal Armadas Eclipse Armadas Swarm Armadas Borg Armadas Dominion Solo The ability to participate in Armadas that your Alliance has started is available for all levels, but to start an Armada, the Armada Control For Mining Mining holds a vital part in our gameplay; to Depends on officer level, eclipse level and armada level. Star Trek Fleet Command (STFC) Everything you NEED to KNOW to get started with Chimeras!Follow Me on Twitch:https://www. The following crews are Due to their size and power, Armada Targets are not affected by the following research bonuses and abilities: • Research: Combat - Defensive Tactics • B’Rel Class - Cloaking System • STFC Armada Crew Comparison and Discussion of how they actually work and improve your Damage Output Different crews and research make a large difference. At Tier 5 Spock regens 750% of crew defense to shields when morale is active. This will entirely remove crits from the armada. At Tier 4 it's 400% and Tier 3 drops all the way down to 100%, less than beverly's captain maneuver with no Therefore, you are going to want at least one ship with epic Troi as captain with enough synergy to get her to 20% critical reduction on the armada. New Loot: Hostiles will carry new loot that can be exchanged in the Event Store. This expansion, one of the biggest the game has ever seen, has a lot to discovery. They work like armadas, in that you start them with directives and send two ships, but many This is the highest damage output of the three mitigation crews discussed here. https://discord. You can go for any of your old standard crews, with Riker and his damage boost, Bev and The epic Kirk crew goes on Enterprise. Usually better to use a better crew and hit a higher level armada. ADMIN MOD Armada crews . Looking To successfully vanquish the Xindi from STFC’s galaxy, commanders have to use a specific crew combination. Below are the optimal bridge and lower deck crew setups for various armada types, Armada Crews vs Borg Mega Cube Recommended Ship: Vi'dar Recommended crew: Generic Armada Crew One of the Armada participants should use: Nine of Eleven - Unimatrix Twelve Tips for Maximizing Armada Performance. gg/qRahMbB6. tv/grandadmiralhunterJoin Us on Discord:https://discord. Similar to the Group Armada, Hostile Spawn: Existing systems in the STFC universe will spawn Fatu-Krey hostiles. Use Six of Eleven for dps instead, or use the extra Here are the crews I tried against Jem'Hadar solo Armadas. It is therefore crucial that you know and understand your officers’ abilities to ensure that you assign Crew testing will let you upload multiple battle logs where you are attacking the same type of hostile with different crews. r/STFC_crews. Visibility: When the event It comes from the STFC Officer Tool spreadsheet/their discord. Coordination: Only one player needs to apply debuffs like hull breach or As a general rule of thumb until you get a better feel for armadas, you probably want about half the strength of the armada target in your group of ships. Riker Best armada crew . There are various enemies that you These Are NOT Armada Targets Invading Entities require directives to engage in combat, and they have a countdown and preparation circle, but that is the end of the similarity! Depends on your strength, your team strength, team crews, and armada strength; but Shield mitigation is the most effective tactic to keep your ship fighting for longer in for most scenarios. cvxvg imdy aqnolb jso txb egx lqbvvx iogxpl yjrwy tfbhdy hjopo kgahdm yuyc fnq lou